Thursday 24 November 2022

Q Why temperature less than absolute zero is not possible?


According to the kinetic interpretation of temperature, absolute temperature means the  kinetic energy of molecules. As heat is taken out,    the temperature falls and hence velocity decreases. At absolute zero, the velocity of the    molecules becomes zero i.e. kinetic energy   becomes zero. So no more decrease in K.E. is  possible, hence temperature cannot fall further.

Thursday 21 July 2022

Which Material Cannot be Used to Make a Lens?

  1.  Glass and water are transparent materials. There is a certain amount of plastic that is transparent so that the plastic can be used to make any Lens, but the clay is an opaque substance so that the light cannot be transmitted into it but clay cannot be used to create the Lens. One of the most common ways of creating a Lens is also by using the optical glass but then to make Lens generally crystals and plastics are also utilized and also mirrors are generally constructed out of any which can be polished or reflected.

Friday 17 June 2022

The energy of a charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field does not change. Why?

The force on a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field always acts in a direction

perpendicular to the motion of the charge. Since work done by the magnetic field on the

charge is zero, hence energy of the charged particle will not change.

Scientific Instruements